Religious Art
In the Post-Conquest era, much of the art Spain and Portugal's colonies produced was of a religious nature—furnishings for Catholic churches, chapels, monasteries, and for home altars. Our small-scale "santos," saint figures, small religious paintings and prints, retablos, niches, and crucifixes were mostly made for people's private, at-home devotion. Our one-of-a-kind objects date mostly from the nineteenth and early 20th century, and were once family heirlooms, sold in times of need or changing fashions.

#74 Virgin w Child
Mid 19th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#14 Santo Niño de Atoche
Polychrome wood, saint figure in wooden chair.

#20 San José y Niño
Polychrome wood, saint figure.

#27 San Simon, Maximon
Polychrome wood, folk saint figure.

#3 Crosses Venetian Cross
19th C. carved wooden cross (possible Venetian)

#33s La Inmaculada Concepcíon
18th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#36 La Virgen Maria
18th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#46 San José
18th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#38s Santa Catarina
19th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#54s Animas (Souls)
Mid 20th C., polychrome wood, pair of Animas (souls)

#55s Animas (Souls)
Mid 20th C., polychrome wood, pair of Animas (souls)

#57ra San Marcos
19th C. polychrome wood w/ meta halo.

#60s Animas (Souls)
Mid 19th C., polychrome wood, pair of Animas (souls)

#61s Santo Niño
Mid 19th C., polychrome wood, w/ attributes.

#6s San Antonio
19th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#70 Santo
Mid 20th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#71s Virgen Maria
Mid 20th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#77s Santo Niño
Mid 20th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#78 San Miguel
19th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#84s Virgen con Niño
20th C. polychrome wood, saint figure w/ tin crown.

#89 Christo en la Cruz
19th C. polychrome wood, saint figure.

#99 Santo Niño de Atoche
19th C., polychrome wood, seated saint figure.

Santo Niño de Atoche
Santo Niño de Atocha from highland Guatemala. He has lost his clothes and needs a new home! But he has his water bladder and a great chair. Glass eyes, great smile, probably 100-150 years old.

Silver Incense Burner
Silver ecclesiastical incense burner, sahumador, from highland Bolivia. Could be used as a lantern. Excellent hand-hammered silverwork, complete with handmade chair. About 100-200 years old.